To have a Green party which can unite all like minded people to convert our vision into reality. This is a call for all people who love animals and believe that it is their world too, to join us in our endeavour to protect our animal friends. If you share our beliefs and our vision take a stand for animals. Begin to be a participant instead of a silent spectator in this great game of life.
We work in myriad ways to alleviate the pain and anguish inflicted upon animals. We perform wildlife rescue/raids, implement various animal laws, and conduct awareness and motivation talks at different platforms.
We rescue and rehabilitate sick, injured, and abused domestic animals. We help in fostering and adoption of orphaned & abandoned animals. We have rescued over 10,000 animals from the streets for over 15 years, and have provided safe & healthy homes for most. We conduct Animal Birth Control and Anti-Rabies vaccination programs where necessary. We have several volunteers in various parts of the city, who work together to ensure needy animals are attended to.
Rescue and rehab of small and large animals including elephants, lions, sloth bears, hares, monitor lizards, parrots, peacocks, deers, monkeys, pythons, cobras and other snakes has been carried out among others. Our goal is to curb illegal trading, caging and selling of wild animals and birds, in accordance with provisions of The Wildlife Protection Act, 1972. The confiscated animals and birds are released into the wild, after nursing any injuries.
Lab Animals
The PFA office bearers have been CPCSEA nominees in various institutions conducting research on animals, playing the role of the animal advocate, to promote the humane care of animals used in biomedical and behavioral research and testing, providing specifications that will enhance animal well-being and quality in the pursuit.
In all the above areas, PFA intervenes as an animal advocate. We use “Sama Bheda Dandopayam”, i.e. techniques to pacify, portray, teach what may happen and punish the offenders, in that order, in the interest of the animal. Creating awareness about animal rights and enrolling people into the amazing world of animals is also an important activity. Down the years the Animal Rights Movement has been growing rapidly with more people becoming a part of it.
Entertainment Industry
Circuses, films, racing and other venues are living hell for animal friends. Trainers use abusive tools, including whips and electric prods, to force the animal to obey unnatural commands. Not only are elephants, horses, hippopotamuses, birds, dogs, camels and other animals often beaten by trainers, they suffer from loneliness, boredom and frustration from being locked in cramped cages or chained for months as they travel from city to city. We inspect and act in cases of animal rights violations.
Meat Industry
While it may be farfetched to expect people to change to vegetarianism, we continue to focus on prevention of “factory farming” of animals where they are seen as objects rather than as sentient beings. We work to make people follow the laws framed for transportation of animals and prevent pre-slaughter cruelty, wherever possible.
Oblivious to the laws of the land, many pet animals are subjected to unnecessary pain as a result of apathy and neglect. Equally disturbing is the brutality of intentional cruelty, involving deliberate physical harm or injury inflicted on an animal.
Factory Farming
On today’s factory farms, animals are crammed by the thousands into filthy, windowless sheds and stuffed into wire cages, metal crates, and other torturous devices. These animals will never raise their families, root around in the soil, build nests, or do anything that is natural and important to them. Most die from disease or infection. Our goal is to work with farmers to improve animal welfare and keep animals in an environment where they can behave naturally.
We take up periodic campaigns for creating awareness regarding animal welfare and animal rights. We also conduct awareness programs at various platforms on a regular basis. We conduct training sessions for various people, including the police, veterinarians and government employees.
We do everything possible within the ambit of the law of the land to alleviate the suffering of the animals.
10th World Rabies Day
A milestone in rabies prevention! On the occasion of the 10th World Rabies Day, the National Veterinary Foundation (NVF) carried out a vaccination drive at PFA Emergency Rescue Home, and also vaccinated around 100 dogs [...]
Anti-Rabies Vaccination Drive
PFA Hyderabad conducted an ARV drive on the occasion of World Zoonosis Day. We successfully finished the ARV drive for 70 dogs in Old City, Hyderabad.
A Walk for a Mother – Rally Against Animal Abuse
A rally was organized by People for Animals Hyderabad, to protest at the horrendous way a mother dog with pups was killed in Kukatpally, Hyderabad. The event was a massive success with over 300 animals [...]
Awareness and ARV Camp
An awareness and ARV Camp was conducted at dubai gate, Hashmatpet area. We successfully finished the ARV drive for 90 dogs in this drive.