Upon a complaint by some animal lovers, PFA Hyderabad rescued numerous birds and animals from Kaivalya summer mela, an exhibition being conducted at People’s Plaza, Necklace Road, Hyderabad.
There were 2 Pomeranian puppies, a pug, a Persian cat, 4 rabbits, 4 guinea pigs, 3 cockatoos, 3 turkeys, 6 mice, 1 cock, 1 duck, 4 budgerigars, 4 fantail pigeons, 35-40 colored chicks, 2 doves and 3 love birds.
The accused was collecting Rs.10 per person to see the animals, that were kept in deplorable conditions, without food and water, in a thick plastic tent, gaining high temperature due to the lack of fans or coolers and no ventilation. This is a violation of The Prevention of Cruelty to Act,1960, the Municipal Act, and the Performing Animals (Registration) Rules, 2001.
The rescue team, led by Dattatraya Joshi, Executive Officer, PFA Hyderabad, and Dr. Wilson, Assistant Director of GHMC Central Zone, rushed to the spot, seized the animals, which were in a dull and dehydrated state, and shifted them to the hospital for treatment.
The animals would be needing at least 3 to 4 weeks of medication, rest and good food.