PFA Hyderabad team, along with Hayathnagar police, rescued eight stolen dogs including rottweilers, dachshunds and German shepherds from hut dwellers near Ramoji Film city. Upon receiving a complaint from volunteers, PFA conducted a raid on the hut dwellers housing and selling the dogs of expensive breeds. The dogs were kept in a deplorable condition, chained to trees, with ropes tied tightly around their mouths.
The hut dwellers refused to disclose where they had got the dogs from, and did not have any proof of ownership. Some locals said that pet dogs that were kidnapped or had got lost in the city were housed in the huts and put up for sale. The price ranges from Rs. 25,000 to Rs. 45,000, depending on the dogs’ breed and age.
The dogs are currently at PFA emergency rescue home. We request anyone who has lost their pet Rottweiler, dachshund or German shepherd in the past couple of months to contact us on 7337450643 with proof of ownership.